Satin black coated Aluminium Sleeve, designed to work with our Aluminium Posts as a blanking strip to cover any post channels you dont need. Giving your posts a smooth, flawless look from all angles.
Length: 1900mm
Aluminium Post Sleeve
Composite Centre delivers all products throughout the UK with a range of options available, from local delivery to carrier haulage. Our local delivery service is 20 miles from our location be sure to tick the "Local Delivery" box at checkout to see if you qualify.
Composite Centre Ltd. accepts returns on un-used products within 14 days of original purchase, with a full money back guarantee providing successful re-inspection of the goods. The customer will be responsible for any additional shipping costs if outside of our 20-mile local delivery service. Alternatively, the items can be returned via customer directly to our main store.
Unit 1, Tranker Lane, Worksop, S81 8AQ.
Please note we inspect all products before customer collection & local deliveries. Therefore, we do not offer returns on goods that have been damaged in transport via customer on collect or damaged after our internal delivery service.
We also inspect all third-party carrier deliveries before collection. If you find any damages upon delivery, please be sure to get in touch with us as soon as possible as the declaration on any damaged goods on third party carriers can vary depending on the service provider.
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